[CentOS] Having difficulty exporting display

Thu Apr 18 20:42:18 UTC 2013
Yves S. Garret <yoursurrogategod at gmail.com>


This is my issue, my remote machine (CentOS 6.3, hosted in Azure windows
environment) has an application that I need to test on my local box (CentOS
6.4, a laptop behind a router).

Now, this is what I'm doing and the issue that I'm encountering:
$ xhost +
$ ssh -X someusername at somehostname.net -p 49283

$ export DISPLAY=
$ xclock

... and nothing, it just sits there and no xclock shows up :( .  I'm fairly
that this is due to my router, but I don't know how to deal with it.  Any
ideas?  Am I
way off in my guess?