[CentOS] kde in centos 6.4

Thu Apr 25 17:51:10 UTC 2013
Craig White <craig.white at ttiltd.com>

On Apr 23, 2013, at 9:59 PM, Michel Donais wrote:

> Brand new Centos 6.4 installation.
> The window manager is Gnome; I tried some trick found on the web to chande 
> it to KDE without success.
> Do somebody can tell me what to do to get KDE working on this installation.

You should be able to change the session to any properly installed Desktop Environment by choosing 'session' at the login screen.

If not, you can change by installing switchdesk-gui package and running the program from the command line - something like 'switchdesk KDE' which should take effect the next time you login.
