[CentOS] Cents OS from Bash Shell

Fri Apr 26 05:19:55 UTC 2013
Arun Khan <knura9 at gmail.com>

On Thu, Apr 25, 2013 at 6:00 PM, Mike Burger <mburger at bubbanfriends.org> wrote:
>> On Thu, 2013-04-25 at 13:04 +0100, Adekoya Adekunle wrote:
>>> I want to know the right command to type from a bash shell so that i can
>>>    1) Check the version of my cent os
>> lsb_release -a

I believe you need to install the package to get lsb_release.  It is
not present in my minimal server install.

> >From the question, he wants to know the version of CentOS, not the LSB info.
> rpm -q centos-release

The default content in the file /etc/issue comes with Distro name +
version number (CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu in my case).

Arun Khan
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