For remote power management (including when I'm on-site and want to do it from my desk instead of the server room), I use PDUs (power distribution units) like <> (which is also an excellent fencing device if you're doing clustering). They may be expensive for a hobbiest, but for a business using tested commercially available hardware configurations should be a no-brainer. If you have an OOB (out-of-band) way of getting to that network, just make sure that the PDU is reachable via OOB. Now a days I tend to use a connection via an alternate provider (so if you're using ADSL, maybe there's a cable provider in the area as well). If you want to go old school, you can hook a modem directly to the AP79xx serial control port, however if you're going to deploy a modem I'd suggest hooking it up to an internal server and then ssh/telnet to the PDU from that server; that way the modem is able to help you in other network-not-available cases. If an OOB connection is not feasible, then your only other option is what others described: Write a script to check connectivity to upstream services (I'd use at least three instead of just one), and trigger the PDU reset if they fail. Perl and various CPAN modules make this easy (although doing it this way would be my last choice compared to an OOB connection). Devin -- Yield to temptation; it may not pass your way again. - Robert Heinlein