Anyone have an idea about this? It keeps complaining every time I mount the file system. -- Joakim Ziegler - Supervisor de postproducción - Terminal joakim at - 044 55 2971 8514 - 5264 0864 On 21/08/13 16:45, Joakim Ziegler wrote: > I had a rather large ext4 partition on an Areca RAID shut down uncleanly > while it was writing. When I mount it again, it recommends fsck, which I > do, and I get the following error: > > Failed to optimize directory ... EXT2 directory corrupted > > This error shows up every time I run fsck.ext4 on this partition. > > How can I fix this? The file system seems to work ok otherwise, I can > mount it and it doesn't complain, using it looks like it's ok, etc. >