[CentOS] Issue mounting /home area from NAS server

Thu Dec 5 19:35:19 UTC 2013
Pat Haley <phaley at MIT.EDU>

Hi Mike,

A colleague of mine did some hunting of his own and
found that if he restarted nfs on the server (mseas-data)
then the client was able to mount the disk.

Thank you very much for all of your time and help.


>> Hi Mike,
>> I think v3 but I'm not sure (how do I check
>> this?).  At any rate, I tried your suggestion
>> both ways
>> [root at mseas etc]# mount -o vers=3 mseas-data:/home
>> mount.nfs: Unknown error 521
>> [root at mseas etc]# mount -o vers=4 mseas-data:/home
>> mount.nfs: mounting mseas-data:/home failed, reason given by server:
>>    No such file or directory
>> What should I look at next?
> You appear to be missing the target mountpoint in your manual commands. It
> should probably look more like:
> mount -o vers=3 mseas-data:/home /home
> On the other hand, a Google search for "mount.nfs: Unknown error 521"
> turns up some interesting information:
> https://www.google.com/search?q=mount.nfs+unknown+error+521&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a
> One of the items is a bug report from Fedora in which it turns out that
> the /etc/exports file has some sort of corruption (probably invalid
> characters) in it that was causing the NFS server system to not properly
> export the filesystem.
> You may try, on the mseas-data system, to run "exportfs" to see what the
> system thinks it's exporting.


Pat Haley                          Email:  phaley at mit.edu
Center for Ocean Engineering       Phone:  (617) 253-6824
Dept. of Mechanical Engineering    Fax:    (617) 253-8125
MIT, Room 5-213                    http://web.mit.edu/phaley/www/
77 Massachusetts Avenue
Cambridge, MA  02139-4301