[CentOS] ADMIN issue - manitu

Thu Dec 5 19:37:29 UTC 2013
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Ned Slider wrote:
> On 05/12/13 18:19, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
>> Actually, Manitu, also known as NIXSpam, is quite a good list. I've been
>> using only this one and Spamhaus for years. Very good FP:Spam ratio.
> Simple fact in the second decade of the 21st century is "their server,
> their rules". If someone wants to block you they can and they will. If
> your outbound server is spamming me I'd block you too. I don't care how
> many other people might be using it. It's not difficult to prevent
> outgoing spam, be responsible or be blocked. My server, my rules.
> As you've found out, twice now, it's highly effective and gets people's
> attention. As it's got your attention twice now, I'd suggest you either
> get used to it or move your outbound mail to a clean host. It's been
> going on long enough now that it's pretty obvious hostmonster don't care
> (if it's on my radar, it must have caught their attention - after all,
> it's their servers). They are happy to keep taking your money.

And here's two thoughts that just struck me: first, they have no way to
apply to be whitelisted.

And second, NIXSpam is a free service, right? Um, as someone said
recently, you get what you pay for.
