[CentOS] CentOS 6.5 VirtualBox

Fri Dec 6 10:33:14 UTC 2013
Giles Coochey <giles at coochey.net>

On 06/12/2013 08:18, Toralf Lund wrote:
> On 06/12/13 04:15, Anthony K wrote:
>> On 06/12/13 01:08, Toralf Lund wrote:
>>> OK. So it's my system.
>>> - Toralf
>> Not necessarily!  I wouldn't worry too much about VirtualBox 4.3 - it is
>> terribly hosed; I suggest you downgrade back to 4.2.20 which,
> Problem is, I also tried a couple of different releases of 4.2.20, with
> the same result...
>>    like
>> Giles, I've been using without any adverse effects for a while.  I too
>> run a headless server but make use of VRDE where I need to access a
>> Windows host!
> Maybe headless works, and the normal GUI startup doesn't? Actually, I
> VBoxHeadless does seem to start, but I'm not quite sure how to verify
> that it works the way it should.
> (
>      [toralf at osl-71465 ~]$ VirtualBox -startvm Win7partition
>      Segmentation fault
>      [toralf at osl-71465 ~]$  VirtualBox
>      Segmentation fault
>      [toralf at osl-71465 ~]$ VBoxHeadless -startvm Win7partition
>      Oracle VM VirtualBox Headless Interface 4.3.4
>      (C) 2008-2013 Oracle Corporation
>      All rights reserved.
> )
> - Toralf
I usually exclusively use vboxmanage and the vbox web-service (through 
phpVirtualbox), but out of interest to your problem yesterday I ran a X 
server on my system and ran the Virtualbox GUI (v.4.2.20) on my server, 
it seemed to show all my servers running OK etc... I didn't try to 
interact with them, but it didn't seg-fault. I sometimes also use VRDE 
bound to localhost as well...


Giles Coochey, CCNP, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
+44 (0) 8444 780677
+44 (0) 7983 877438
giles at coochey.net