[CentOS] died again

Sat Dec 7 05:58:18 UTC 2013
Darr247 <darr247 at gmail.com>

On 07 December 2013 @02:57 zulu, Michael Hennebry wrote:
> I do not remember which is the IDE and which is the new SATA.

The SATA drive has the thin red cable connecting it to the motherboard.

> I suspect the pincushiony thing between the video card and the big
> black Intel fan of being the heat sink for the CPU, but I do not know.

That's the heat sink for the northbridge chipset.

The CPU heat sink is under the fan pointing down towards the motherboard.
You lift those 2 levers to release it, and there's likely another lever 
under it all locking the CPU into the socket.

The only electrolytics I see on the motherboard that might be swollen 
are in the row right next to the CPU, towards the fan blowing out the 
back. But it's hard to see the tops of them, too... the 'K' cut into the 
tops of the electrolytics are where they're intended to rupture (instead 
of exploding like blasting caps)... not unlike the way cement workers 
score the surface after troweling, to control where sidewalks/driveways 
eventually crack.

The thin grey cables connecting the CD and DVD drives to the motherboard 
are most-likely not needed... the audio signal should go through the IDE 
ribbon cables without those.