[CentOS] died again

Mon Dec 16 18:37:44 UTC 2013
david <david at daku.org>

At 10:27 AM 12/16/2013, you wrote:
>On 12/16/2013 10:03 AM, John R Pierce wrote:
> > On 12/16/2013 8:56 AM, Michael Hennebry wrote:
> >> >>From this, I infer that 20-pin ATX's are sufficiently standardized
> >> >that I do not need to be model- or brand-specific.
> > well, ATX 1.x stuff had more 5V and less 12V, while ATX 2.x boosts the
> > 12V output capacity and has less 5V...   I'm pretty sure even a AGP/PCI
> > P4 is ATX 2.0, but I suppose I could be wrong.    We're stirring some
> > mighty old neurons here.  I ejunked all my P4's some time ago.
>ok, I googled it, the manual for your motherboard says "ATX12V", which
>is close enough the 2.x spec that it should work.  I do see a suggestion
>that you use a somewhat higher 'wattage' ATX12V 2.x PSU to compensate
>for the differences.
>btw, here's the technical product manual for your mainboard
>john r pierce                                      37N 122W
>somewhere on the middle of the left coast

Is there some reason that this conversation is in the public 
channel?  I'm not sure that power connectors to ATX boards is really 
relevant to the forum's topic.

David Kurn