I'm running an up-to-date CentOS 6.5 and I wanted to install eclipse so I went to System->Adminitration->Add/Remove Software and installed eclipse-cdt-1:7.0.1-4.el6 and a bunch of dependent packages. >From the eclipse help menu I see that this is version 3.6.1. According to wikipedia this is a eclipse Helios which was released in June of 2010. My question is why is this so far out of date? My understanding was that CentOS was generally about a year out-of-date. I must confess that I don't know where I got that idea from and it is no doubt, wrong but 3 1/2 years out-of-date seems excessive. Is it just a packaging issue and whoever makes the RPMs hasn't made a new one? If I try to check for updates from inside eclipse, I get various failures for non-existant sites and dependency conflicts. Can anyone explain the situation and maybe shed some light on the history of how we got to this point. >From what I have read so far the solution is to ignore the rpms and install from the eclipse site. Thanks, Steve