[CentOS] weird issue with qemu-kvm network...

Sat Feb 2 18:14:07 UTC 2013
skull <skull17 at gmx.ch>

Am 02.02.2013 16:58, schrieb James Hogarth:
>> Isn't the rhel way to install NetworkManager anyway? Because then you can
> forget all your ifcfg scripts anyway because they will be overwritten by NM.
>> At least that was the cause when i had NetworkManager installed... (That
> was why i removed it if i remember correctly)
>> Does anyone have a good link on that subject?
>> IBM says that tap interfaces are best practice:
> http://publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/lnxinfo/v3r0m0/index.jsp?topic=%2Fliaat%2Fliaatkvmvirsh.htm
>> My RHCSA course material doesn't even touch the subject (At least not
> until now). The Red Had documentation is only focused on using virt-manager
> and thereby explains not much in that regards.
> Of course RHCSA doesn't touch this subject... That's very basic - RHCE
> doesn't cover this either in fact (or at least didn't 2 years back and I
> doubt that has changed).
> Don't look at IBM's stuff when you are using RHEL - always check
> docs.redhat.com - admittedly from the point you are at you may not know the
> actual question you need to ask anyway...
> NetworkManager doesn't support bridging (in rhel anyway) so you need to
> remove nm and use the regular network service  configuring ifcfg
> appropriately to make all this work.
> Here's the relevant documentation you should be using for creating the
> bridge in the first place:
> https://access.redhat.com/knowledge/docs/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Deployment_Guide/s2-networkscripts-interfaces_network-bridge.html
> With that working it will then show as an interface to select when you
> create a vm.
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Thank you very much!
The link you sent me was exactly what i needed.
I just didn't think about searching for bridging outside of the vm 
documentation. Silly me!

Thanks for the advice!