[CentOS] I want an advice

Thu Feb 14 16:23:16 UTC 2013
Giles Coochey <giles at coochey.net>

On 14/02/2013 16:00, m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote:
> Les Mikesell wrote:
>> On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 9:07 AM,  <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
>>> I keep hearing this "arcane" - even the author of xkcd commented about
>>> not remembering tar flags... and yet, 80%-90% of them are trivially
> obvious
>>> to me - -r (or -R) for recursion, -f for file. For configuration, such as
>>> firewalls, there's always copy an existing line and edit, then do a
>>> syntax check.
>> The 'arcane' issue isn't so much per-process as it is knowing which
>> program does what and how or if they interact in a way that affects
>> your upper-level task.  For example, I don't think it is very obvious
>> what you have to do for common things like giving a dhcp address with
>> an associated dns name to a specific device.  Or maybe setting up a
>> group of users with some special file system access, samba shares, web
>> logins with group access for several different web apps, and an email
> True - but that's getting into nontrivial tasks, if you're doing it for
> more than your own machine at home. There are security issues, and
> organization policies, etc.
Windows lures us into a false sense of security anyway:

"Under Windows you just run the security & policy program, click next, 
next, finish and 'hey' you're done, all secure...".

At least when you have to think about something you can get more real 
confidence that you've done it right!!


Giles Coochey, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
+44 (0) 7983 877438
giles at coochey.net