[CentOS] looking for sssd basics and simple config with existing ldap centos 6.3

Thu Feb 21 08:30:57 UTC 2013
Todor Petkov <zakk at online.bg>

On 21/02/2013 10:20 AM, Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm planing to setup a new samba fileserver as a member to an 
> existing
> samba 3.x SMB.
> The old server is still nss-pam-ldapd configured (historic left 
> overs).
> As I dont have any pressure to have the new server up and running 
> within
> the next few hours, I liked to set up sssd with our existing 
> openldap.
> After googling and reading some documentations from redhat/fedora I
> think I do have a basic clue on how it should work.
> But at the end I'm not getting it up and running the way I expected.
> My question:
> "rpm -ql sssd" shows a config in /etc/sssd/sssd.conf, but this file 
> dose
> not exist on my system. (May be some how a packagebug?)
> Dose anybody has a working example file to share with me?
> I tried to edit some examples from the web and put some config 
> together,
> but without working success.
> 	Thanks for any suggestion, hint etc. Regards Götz

Try this  

I am using it with RHEL/Centos, LDAP is 389 DS and everything works.
Only problem I have found is, that on RHEL/Centos prior to 5.7 (or 5.6, 
can't remember which version), I need to configure 'pure' LDAP 
authentication instead of SSSD.