[CentOS] firefox problem

Mon Feb 11 14:25:22 UTC 2013
zGreenfelder <zgreenfelder at gmail.com>

On Mon, Feb 11, 2013 at 8:09 AM, Bassem Sossan <bayrnmunich at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> I've installed CentOs 6 successfully, but, Firefox does't lunch.
> I've downloaded Chrome and when I try to execute "google-chrome &" command,
> I had command not found.

you seem to have a ... divergence between subject and body of this email.
if you want firefox to work, I'm sure people would be interested in
helping, but need more info than 'doesn't launch'.
as far as google not working, I suspect you have a path issue (and
there might be other things after you fix this), but a decent first
step would be to either change your path (edit .bashrc [assuming you
use bash] and add export PATH=$PATH:/opt/google/chrome) or just use
the full path to the binary from the command line:

at least that's where my version of chrome was installed.   you might
have to use find (find /suspect-path -name "google-chrome" -ls
where suspect-path is a directory on your machine, I wouldn't suggest
searching from / all the way down; perhaps /usr or /opt)

Even the Magic 8 ball has an opinion on email clients: Outlook not so good.