[CentOS] Really changing the hostname

Thu Feb 14 18:31:38 UTC 2013
Brian Mathis <brian.mathis+centos at betteradmin.com>

On Thu, Feb 14, 2013 at 1:15 PM, Digimer <lists at alteeve.ca> wrote:
> On 02/14/2013 01:13 PM, Digimer wrote:
>> On 02/14/2013 01:11 PM, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
>>> I need to change the host name on a test server, and in the past when I
>>> used hostname to change the hostname, it did not seem to change it
>>> everywhere.
>>> I really don't want to do a rebuild just yet, but I have to feel
>>> confident that hostname is really changed (reboot is not too much of an
>>> issue).
>>> What is the recommened practice?  Other than get it right the first time.
>> To make the change permanent, edit /etc/ssyconfig/network and set the
>> desired hostname after HOSTNAME=.
> Sorry, I typo'd that;
> # cat /etc/sysconfig/network
> HOSTNAME=<your.new.hostname>
> --
> Digimer

You also probably want to update /etc/hosts, though it strictly does
not itself set the hostname for the machine.

❧ Brian Mathis