[CentOS] evaluating backup systems: rsync

Fri Jan 11 17:54:37 UTC 2013
zGreenfelder <zgreenfelder at gmail.com>

On Fri, Jan 11, 2013 at 12:29 PM, ken <gebser at mousecar.com> wrote:
> Considering using rsync on a couple systems for backup, I was wondering
> if it's possible, and if so how difficult is it, to delete files which
> have been backed up (in order to save space on the backup media).
> Anyone with experience doing this?

it's certainly feasible for a a fairly lackluster backup solution
(e.g. gonna rebuild machine, want all of /home saved to other machine,
rsync then reinstall to try $new ditro!) but I wouldn't recommend
rsync for product grade backups; it'd get very complex very quickly
trying to figure a way to do versioning (rsync would be really good
for 'oops, I removed X file, but I'd copied it over to M machine, so I
can recover', not very good at 'someone changed this file 4 days ago
and now it doesn't do what I want, I'd like to go back to a previous
version).    at least in my estimation.

Even the Magic 8 ball has an opinion on email clients: Outlook not so good.