[CentOS] More on amavis/clam permission errors on Centos 6.3

Wed Jan 30 21:31:14 UTC 2013
Nicolas Thierry-Mieg <Nicolas.Thierry-Mieg at imag.fr>

Robert Moskowitz wrote:
> I should probably find either the amavis or clam list(s) and take this
> there?
> Oh, I have not applied the updated policy rpms that Dan Walsh pointed me
> to.  This is all 'out of the box' rpms, following the amavis/clamav
> recommendations from: http://wiki.centos.org/HowTos/Amavisd

is it? so your rpms come from rpmforge? I thought you mentioned epel at 
some point. Hopefully you're not mixing them?
If you are, then that might be your problem.
If you really followed the wiki instructions you must be using RF 
packages, so you could take it to the RF list.
And if you're using epel, then you didn't follow the wiki instructions 
but nevertheless you should take it to the epel list...