[CentOS] Steam for Linux Fedora 17 -> CentOS 6.x

Tue Jul 2 14:14:20 UTC 2013
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Nux! wrote:
> On 01.07.2013 23:13, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote:
>> Can somebody contact "Spot" and ask him if Steam for Linux can be
>> compiled on CentOS 6.x? http://spot.fedorapeople.org/steam/
>> or will someone try it from src rpm's (same folder)?
>> or is someone willing to take over building the rpm the old fashioned
>> way from https://github.com/xvitaly/steamrpm ?
>> I am to relocate to another town for new job and can not afford the
>> spare time :-/
Missed the beginning of the thread - hey, Ljubomir, on the upside,
congratulations on the new job; on the downside, condolences on having to
relocate (been there, done that, too many times).
