On Thu, 04 Jul 2013 11:16:55 +0200, Leon Fauster wrote: > why not asking them http://gmane.org/faq.php ? It's not in that FAQ, nor in the web page for the pan users group. I did ask "Lars" but he controls gmane, not the pan users group. Amazingly, the pan users group just (apparently) assumes you omnipotently already know what to set the NNTP client server:port, login:password, and user:email to in order to post successfully. For example, this is what you need to post to *this* group: Group name = gmane.linux.centos.general Server = news.gmane.org Port = 119 Login = blank Password = blank Username = Foo Email = foo at bar.com <== this is all that needs to be pre-registered in order to post to gmane.linux.centos.general. (I forget how I had pre-registered, but, IIRC, I had sent an email to someone at somewhere and they wrote back with the instructions above - which allows me to post as long as I put that email address in the posting profile).