[CentOS] Can someone help confirm a bug? kio_http kdegraphics

Tue Jul 16 14:58:34 UTC 2013
Earl Ramirez <earlaramirez at gmail.com>

On Tue, 2013-07-16 at 08:09 -0400, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> Hello:
> I'm trying to track down a kio_http problem using CentOS 6.4 with KDE.
> This causes multiple kio_http procs to spawn and lots of
> notifications.
> Several steps are needed:
> Create a foo.html with an href
> foo.html
>   <html><head>Test</head><body><a
> href=http://ovh.com>http://ovh.com</a></body></html> [^]
> Use html2ps then ps2pdf to create a PDF document
> html2ps foo.html>foo.ps
> ps2pdf foo.ps
> okular foo.pdf
> Using the KDE desktop, open the PDF in Okular then click the click.
> Immediately there are desktop notifications that website was contacted
> and waiting for reply. A 'ps -ef' shows man kio_http processes being
> spawned.
> I'm not able to reproduce on all random websites, but the ovh.com
> always does so. This link was found in the latest Linux Journal so
> others may inadvertently cause this.
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Hello Kwan,

I will fire up a KVM vm and try to reproduce the problem/bug with the
steps provided, in what architect are you currently experiencing this

Kind Regards
Earl Ramirez
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