[CentOS] script network reconfig after Centos 5->6 upgrade?

Wed Jul 17 22:53:11 UTC 2013
Philip Manuel <phil at zomojo.com>

On 18/07/13 07:12, Les Mikesell wrote:
> I need to upgrade a bunch of centos  5 servers to 6.x in the near
> future, mostly keeping the same connectivity and functionality.    Are
> there any tools that will examine a running 5.x box and produce the
> appropriate /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules (etc). to make
> the same box come up with the same interface names with the same IPs
> it had before?
> --
>    Les Mikesell
>      lesmikesell at gmail.com
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We use a combination of puppet and extract, 