[CentOS] When no MTA is installed, How to send an email with a cronjob?

Sun Jul 21 18:49:36 UTC 2013
Ben Mohilef <benm at dsl-only.net>

> Hi,
> When no MTA is installed, How to send an email with a cronjob?
> I have below entrty in my cronjob?
> my /etc/cron.d/backup file looks like this.
> MAILTO=myemail at example.com
> 15 11 * * * root /root/scripts/backup.sh
> Can I send this email via SMTP server?

The following script works for us to send notifications to a mobile "server"
that can not process very long text messages. Unless you have perfect control 
over who is allowed to use this script and what is being sent, it is VERY bad 
security practice. Replace the bracketed setup stuff (inside <> ) with the 
appropriate sources and destinations. "$argv" passess the raw data to be 
transmitted. Depending on what's in the  message, you may have to modify 
the 3rd through 6th lines.    YMMV.

> #!/usr/bin/expect
> set idx [string first \{ $argv]
> set argv [string replace $argv $idx $idx]
> set idx [string last } $argv]
> set argv [string replace $argv $idx $idx]
> spawn telnet <destination>   25
> set send_slow {1 .01}
> set timeout 180
> expect {
> -re "Escape character is" {
> exp_send -s "helo <destination_domainname >\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "220" {
> exp_send -s "mail from: <me at mydomain.com>\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "250.*ender" {
> exp_send "rcpt to:<recipient at destination_domainname>\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "250.*ecipient" {
> exp_send -s "data\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "354" {
> exp_send -s "Subject: <Subject>\n\n"
> exp_send -s "$argv\n"
> exp_send -s ".\n"
> puts "sending\n"
> exp_continue
> }
> -re "Message" {
> exp_send -s "quit\n"
> }
> -re "221" {
> puts "done\n"
> }
> }