[CentOS] Can someone help confirm a bug? kio_http kdegraphics

Kwan Lowe

kwan.lowe at gmail.com
Tue Jul 16 12:09:59 UTC 2013

I'm trying to track down a kio_http problem using CentOS 6.4 with KDE.
This causes multiple kio_http procs to spawn and lots of

Several steps are needed:
Create a foo.html with an href
href=http://ovh.com>http://ovh.com</a></body></html> [^]

Use html2ps then ps2pdf to create a PDF document

html2ps foo.html>foo.ps
ps2pdf foo.ps
okular foo.pdf

Using the KDE desktop, open the PDF in Okular then click the click.
Immediately there are desktop notifications that website was contacted
and waiting for reply. A 'ps -ef' shows man kio_http processes being

I'm not able to reproduce on all random websites, but the ovh.com
always does so. This link was found in the latest Linux Journal so
others may inadvertently cause this.

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