[CentOS] what's wrong with dag.wieers?

Wed Jul 3 13:23:46 UTC 2013
Leon Fauster <leonfauster at googlemail.com>

Am 03.07.2013 um 15:10 schrieb Pete Geenhuizen <pete at geenhuizen.net>:
> On 07/03/2013 08:34 AM, James B. Byrne wrote:
>> On Tue, July 2, 2013 17:34, John Hinton wrote:
>> Ditto here, and for the same reasons.
>> This was our experience as well; changing userids between clam and
>> clamav between updates caused us a lot of avoidable headaches.  We
>> switched to epel for clamav because of that one issue.  Otherwise we
>> have been very pleased with rpmforge.  It will prove a great loss if
>> there is a serious possibility that this resource might fade away.
> Fading away is a distinct possibility.
> David  Hrbac, who is trying to maintain rpmforge had this to say on that 
> subject.
> 	"And of course, there's still a question about the Repoforge. Do we
> 	really want it? Isn't a time for Epel to replace Repoforge? I still want
> 	to keep Repoforge alive bud have no replies from Dag."

for an assessment of such statements is the context essential (Subject: Clamav)

