[CentOS] Virtualization in RHEL

Scott Robbins

scottro at nyc.rr.com
Mon Jun 10 16:43:15 UTC 2013

On Mon, Jun 10, 2013 at 10:18:57AM -0500, Les Mikesell wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 8, 2013 at 12:22 PM, Scott Robbins <scottro at nyc.rr.com> wrote:
> >>
> > I'm not sure that's correct.  (That it's the easiest).  Recently, the talk
> > about going for an RHSCA made me look into KVM for the first time in
> > awhile.  I had to google a bit to
> > get it working--not horribly difficult (would have been easier save for
> > typing Bridge instead of BRIDGE in a config file, looking at it at least 10
> > times and not figuring out the error, but..).  I think VBox is more
> > intuitive to the newcomer, though if the OP is wondering about this for one
> > of the tests, then KVM is definitely the way to go.
> Doesn't bridge creation normally work in the virt-manager GUI?   It
> didn't for me because I made the mistake of trying it in a remote
> freenx session which bit the dust when it unconfigured the underlying
> eth? interface and left a bit of a mess.   But it looked like it would
> have worked if run in a local X session.

Not unless one has manually created a bridge.  Trying on a machine without
a bridge, I saw no option to use one. 

In addition, playing with this a bit more, I'm finding it to have poorer
graphics than VBox on  a couple of Linux desktops (Lubuntu), and it also
seems that it doesn't see Mod4.  I vaguely remember that being the case
over 6 years ago, and actually contributing a patch to the FreeBSD port
that fixed it.  (Which was just a diff file to the BSD port Makefile).

I did try using spice, but that just gave me a black screen.  Note that I
haven't put any serious effort into any of this--I'm mostly playing with it
as a platform for a few server type installs, however, it does seem that
the other two give the casual user a better out of the box experience.

Scott Robbins
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