[CentOS] What method would you suggest for installing the Pinta screenshot editor on CentOS 6.4?

Thu Jun 20 06:34:38 UTC 2013
Rock <Rocksockdoc at gmail.com>

A screenshot editor needs to do a few things - but it must do these three 
things easily and well:

1. Draw curved and straight arrows, dotted or solid line, with various 
end dots and points
2. Draw open circles of various shapes to highlight areas of interest
3. Text easily without having to pre-define a bounding box for the ad-hoc 

By far, the most powerful easy-to-use freeware screenshot editor is 
Paint.NET, which isn't on Linux.

On Linux, a distant second place goes to Kolourpaint; and a far distant 
third place to The GIMP (based on ease of performing those three items 

I was told today that Pinta is a Linux replacement for Paint.NET features 
- so I am going to install it to test it out:

Looking for an RPM ... 
$ uname -a
==> Linux snafu 2.6.32-358.6.2.el6.x86_64 #1 SMP Thu May 16 20:59:36 UTC 
2013 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
$ yum --noplugins --showduplicates --enablerepo \* --disablerepo c6-media,
\*-source,\*debug\* provides "*/pinta"
==> nothing found

http://pkgs.repoforge.org ==> pinta not found
http://pkgs.org ==> finds pinta in Fedora packages 17, 18, 19, and Rawhide
http://pbone.net ==> finds pinta in Fedora packages 14,15,16,17,18, and 19

Pinta source is also available here:

Given that information, what avenue would you pick to install Pinta on a 
64-bit CentOS 6.4 laptop to test it out?