[CentOS] Lockups with kernel-2.6.32-358.0.1.el6.i686

Fri Mar 8 18:52:02 UTC 2013
David Ross <Geek4AllSeasons at hotmail.com>

On Mar.08.2013 11:27 AM, Kwan Lowe wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 8, 2013 at 10:51 AM, Gerry Reno <greno at verizon.net> wrote:
>> Nearly every time we've had lockup problems it has come down to bad or failing memory.
>> I've even had memory cause problems where it would pass a quick memtest but ultimately would fail if you left it running
>> the tests overnight.
> Thank you for your reply.
> I was leaning towards memory after swapping the power supply did not
> solve the problem. There are 4 8GB DDR3 sticks, so I took out two and
> ran with 16G.  It still failed. I then swapped that out for the other
> 16GB. Still failed. What I haven't tried is to downclock the memory to
> a slower speed but will try that tonight if the BIOS supports it.
> _______________________________________________
A diagnostic board should, at least, limit the search space. Characterizing the
tyoe(s)/point(s) of failure may make it possible to handle them more gracefully.

