[CentOS] BIND Setup Issue

Sun Mar 10 23:07:08 UTC 2013
Tilman Schmidt <t.schmidt at phoenixsoftware.de>

Am 10.03.2013 12:57, schrieb Austin Einter:
> I have a CentOS 6.3 machine. I am trying to setup DNS BIND setup in that
> machine. It is having a static global IP. I have done lot of reading ,
> google search and tried all possible option, but still not able to resolve
> the issue.

After reading the entire thread I am still not sure what your actual
issue is. I can only guess some name resolution is not working as expected.

Please state:
- From which machine are you trying to resolve?
- Which name are you trying to resolve?
- Which result are you expecting?
- Which result do you get?

In the meantime, a few comments on your config.

> options {
>         listen-on port 53 {;; };

That doesn't look right. You said your machine has a public IP address
but you make it listen on a private IP address and localhost only.

>         listen-on-v6 port 53 { ::1; };

That doesn't look right either. If your machine does IPv6, why have it
listen only on localhost? If it doesn't, why have it listen on IPv6 at all?

>         allow-query     { localhost;;; };

This doesn't look right at all. Neither nor are
compatible with a /24 netmask.

>         dnssec-enable yes;
>         dnssec-validation yes;
>         dnssec-lookaside auto;

I don't think it's a good idea to activate DNSSEC before you have the
basics running.

> @       IN      NS      ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> @       IN      NS      ns2.netcloudjobs.com.
> ns1     IN      A
> ns2     IN      A

It's very strange to declare two nameservers with the same address. Why
put in ns2 in the first place if it's actually the same machine as ns1?
That doesn't make sense.

> And my reverse zone file looks as

> @       IN      NS      ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> @       IN      NS      ns2.netcloudjobs.com.
> ns1     IN  A
> ns2     IN  A

These entries are wrong here.
Simple explanation: A RRs belong in the forward zone, not the reverse zone.
Complex explanation: The RRs you actually create by this look like this:

ns1.189.201.173.in-addr.arpa. IN A
ns2.189.201.173.in-addr.arpa. IN A

> 43      IN      PTR     ns1.netcloudjobs.com.
> 44      IN      PTR     ns2.netcloudjobs.com.

You have a forward/reverse mismatch here. Your reverse zone resolves to ns2.netcloudjobs.com but your forward zone resolves
that to instead of

> I hope I am doing something wrong with configuration. I have done this
> since more than 60 hours. Still I am not able to resolve
> ns1.netcloudjobs.com.

I am:

[ts at dns01 ~]$ host ns1.netcloudjobs.com
ns1.netcloudjobs.com has address
[ts at dns01 ~]$

Looks fine to me. So again, please state from where you are trying the
resolution, which result you expect and which result you get.

Tilman Schmidt
Phoenix Software GmbH
Bonn, Germany

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