[CentOS] Centos 6.4 - yum update gives: Error: kernel conflicts with bfa-firmware

Mon Mar 11 12:50:23 UTC 2013
Johnny Hughes <johnny at centos.org>

On 03/11/2013 05:21 AM, Giles Coochey wrote:
> On trying a yum update I get the following error:
> Error: kernel conflicts with bfa-firmware
> yum suggests I work around the problem with --skip-broken or try
> running 'rpm -Va --nofiles --nodigest'
> Is there an accepted process for resolving this?

Can you post the kernel versions and bfa-firmware versions that are
trying to up upgraded ... and whether you have the i386 or x86_64
version installed?

Also, what are you upgrading from?

We have not seen this specific issue in our QA testing.

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