[CentOS] Making a clone of an LVM-based EL5 install

Tue Mar 19 12:22:26 UTC 2013
Antonio da Silva Martins Junior <asmartins at uem.br>

----- "Lists" <lists at benjamindsmith.com> escreveu:

> De: "Lists" <lists at benjamindsmith.com>
> Para: "CentOS mailing list" <centos at centos.org>
> Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 18 de Março de 2013 19:36:41 (GMT-0300) Auto-Detected
> Assunto: [CentOS] Making a clone of an LVM-based EL5 install
> Does anybody here have any idea how to make an exact copy of a drive 
> that has LVM partitions? I'm having trouble using dd to do this for an


  What about Clonezilla (www.clonezilla.org) or Mondo (www.mondorescue.org) ??

  But, I do it with dd too, and it works fine with LVM.



| Antonio S. Martins Jr. - Support Analyst | "Only The Shadow Knows     |
| Universidade Estadual de Maringá - Brasil|   what evil lurks in the   |
| NPD - Núcleo de Processamento de Dados   |       Heart of Men!"       |
| E-Mail: asmartins at uem.br / shadow at uem.br | !!! Linux User: 52392 !!!  |
     "Real Programmers don’t need comments — the code is obvious."

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