[CentOS] New java update?

Tue Mar 5 20:21:32 UTC 2013
Fernando Cassia <fcassia at gmail.com>

On Tue, Mar 5, 2013 at 3:49 PM,  <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
> trying to figure out if it *only* affects Oracle's java,
> or openjdk also.

OpenJDK IS Oracle´s java, sans the browser plug-in which was never
open sourced by Sun, and which is provided by Icedtea-web.

Oracle has made OpenJDK 7 the reference implementation of JDK 7.
95% shared code according to the RedHat presentation at the JBos 2012 summit:


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Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
Acto Revolucionario
- George Orwell