On Sat, 04 May 2013 13:53:53 +0000, Rock wrote: > $ sudo yum install kdepim -y Well, it's installed. A bunch of junk came with knode, so, that's definitely unfortunate. Here's a log of the setup results: $ knode -v ==> Qt: 4.6.2, KDE: 4.3.4 (KDE 4.3.4), KNode: 4.3.5 $ knode & {Knode}Settings->Configure Knode->Identity-> Name = foo Email Address = foo at is.invalid {Knode}Settings->Configure Knode->Accounts->Newsgroup Servers->Add Name = Mixmin Server = news.mixmin.net Port = 563 Encyryption = SSL {Knode}Article->Post to Newsgroup Groups = alt.test Followups to = alt.test Subject = test Body = test File->Send Now Unfortunately, there is no error message (that I could see), yet it failed to post. It even failed to obtain the group list (so the problem is earlier in the setup). I'm debugging (without any debugging tools) ...