[CentOS] Newby using IntelR1304BB Need help with installing 6.4

Thu May 30 15:41:35 UTC 2013
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Please stop top posting.

Norman Schklar wrote:
> mark wrote
> Norm Schklar
> On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 10:42 AM, <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
>> Norman Schklar wrote:
>> > On Thu, May 30, 2013 at 10:23 AM, <m.roth at 5-cent.us> wrote:
>> >> Norman Schklar wrote:
>> >> > Seems I need to disable RAID, but don't find the option in the
>> >> > bios. 4ea 1  terabyte drives in raid 10 is the current setup.
>> > Centor 6.4 doesn't find the drives.
>> > I use Ctrl E, to open the raid console but it doesn't have an option
>> > to disable.  So each time it boots I get the raid init.
>> Oh. You're using LSI? What's the hardware card? I don't think fakeRAID,
>> the Intel on-motherboard thing, uses them. If you've got a *real* RAID
>> card in there, then you *should* use it - you don't need the software
>> RAID.
>> For that, what you need to do is to create logical drives - follow the
>> steps, chose the type of RAID, etc. in the firmware. *THEN*, once you've
>> created the logical drives, when you reboot, the systems *will* see them
>> as though they were physical drives.
>> Does what I'm saying make sense to you?
> Yes it makes sense.  But it came configured for Raid 10 2 ea 2 terabye
> drives. Centos 6.4 doesn't recognize any drive..

Does the system have other drives than the RAID? You mention it booting -
you *are* aware that with RAID 10, you'll have something like 1.6TB
usable, right?
