[CentOS] Is there a good nntp client for Centos 6 that handles SSL native?


RockSockDoc at gmail.com
Wed May 1 18:20:46 UTC 2013

Is there a good nntp client for Centos 6 that handles SSL native?

It was difficult, to say the least, on Centos anyway, to get
Pan to post to Mixmin servers, which require SSL (so we have 
to use Stunnel to add SSL capabilities to Pan) on Centos.

Had Pan native SSL support, this wouldn't have been a problem.

Hence the question:
 Q: Is there a good freeware NNTP client with a Centos repository 
    that handles SSL native?

Note: Here's the abbreviated sequence to install Stunnel with Pan
      (but it took me months to come up with this as all the 
      tutorials on the web fail in the little Centos details).
Install Stunnel:
$ sudo yum install stunnel -y

Read bug reports to find a stunnel init script for Centos:

Add & modify that stunnel /etc/init.d/stunnel script:

Configure the Stunnel /etc/stunnel/stunnel.conf file:
;setuid = nobody
;setgid = nobody
client = yes
accept = localhost:2119
connect = news.mixmin.net:563

NOTE: It took me months to figure out that these two
now-commented lines cause stunnel to fail on my Centos box:

Test Stunnel:
$ telnet localhost 2119
  Trying ::1...
  telnet: connect to address ::1: Connection refused
  Connected to localhost.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  200 news.mixmin.net InterNetNews NNRP server INN 2.6.0 (20120622 prerelease)
  ready (posting ok)
  340 Ok, recommended message-ID <kuyt4l$e21$1 at news.mixmin.net>
From: foobar <foo at bar.com>
Newsgroups: alt.test
Subject: This is a test

This is a test of stunnel to mixmin.
240 Article received <kuyt4l$e21$1 at news.mixmin.net>
205 Bye!
Connection closed by foreign host.

Install Pan:
 $ sudo yum --enablerepo rpmforge install pan -y

Configure any known good Pan newsserver:
[Pan]Edit->Edit News Servers->Add->(see below)->OK
     Address: aioe.org
     Port: 119

Configure a test Pan posting profile:
[Pan]Edit->Edit Posting Profiles->Add->
     Profile Name: New Profile
     Full Name: Foo Bar
     Email Address: foo at bar.com
     Post Articles Via: aioe.org

Test Pan setup by reading & sending a message to alt.test.
[Pan]Post->Post to Newsgroup->alt.test

Now you're ready to configure Pan for SSL via Stunnel:
[Pan]Edit->Edit News Servers->Add->(see below)->OK
     Address: localhost
     Port: 2119

Switch the test user to this encrypted server:
[Pan]Edit->Edit Posting Profiles->Edit->
     Post Articles Via: localhost

Test this setup by reading & sending a message to alt.test.
[Pan]Post->Post to Newsgroup->alt.test

Note: It would have been easier had Pan native SSL
capability; hence the question:

Q: What nntp client handles SSL native on Centos 6?

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