[CentOS] device in use after a reboot

Michael Schumacher

michael.schumacher at pamas.de
Fri May 17 15:48:49 UTC 2013


>> So sd[ab] are two 300 GB disks, and sdc is the big storage.

I think this is not so uncommon. In my experience this has to do with
the initialization of PCIe controller cards. I assume you are using a
RAID controller, right? I saw that with Areca RAID-controllers in the
past as well with LSI-controller these days.

I am using UUID for that purpose. Not really convenient, but safe. You
probably don't have to change that as soon as it is running, so the
strange UUID designators are no big issue.

best regards
Michael Schumacher
PAMAS Partikelmess- und Analysesysteme GmbH
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