[CentOS] trying to recover an audio CD...

Thu May 2 03:33:10 UTC 2013
fredex <fredex at fcshome.stoneham.ma.us>

> Fred Smith <[hidden email]> wrote:

Sorry I'm so late replying, I missed your reply back when it was new...

> > I'm trying to recover data from an audio cd. it is a recording of a live
> > session, made on a professional cd recorder, on the fly.
> Do you have any working CD from that drive? If yes, you could call:
>         cdrecord -minfo
> to get the state and to find out whether it writes in TAO mode. (-minfo is
> a
> shortcut for -media-info).

Such discs do exist, I just don't happen to have one handy at the moment.
I'll see if I can acquire one.

> > apparently, instead of stopping it and fixating the disc, someone turned
> > off the power. oops.
> >
> > I know that wodim will fixate a disk as long as it was otherwise
> properly
> > terminated (I've done it more than once), but this one it won't fixate.
> > depending on the drive I try it in, I get different messages, but in
> > either case, it remains unfixated.
> wodim is a defective variant from an extremely outdated cdrecord (taken
> from a
> cdrecord from September 2004).
> - Did you try the original software?

Not yet. I just built latest cdrtools but haven't done anything with them

> - Is it possible to use the original drive that was used for writing?

the original isn't a drive per se, it's a professional audio recorder,
rack-mounted, that contains a CD drive of some sort.

I THINK what happened was the recorder was powered off while writing.
Probably made a huge mess of the data, or at least  left it in some bad
unfinished state.

> > so i've tried reading it with cdparanoia, but it can't do anything with
> > it, or not that I've figured out how to do.
> cdparanoia is a patch on a cdda2wav version from 1997. There was never an
> update on the cdda2wav code and development stopped in 2001. Don't expect
> cdparanoia to be able to read such disks, as the _read_ properties in
> cdparanoia are generally bad compared to a recent cdda2wav.
> Note that after the development for cdparanoia stopped around 2000/2001,
> Heiko
> Eißfeld and I took the "paranoia code" (the code in cdparanoia above the
> read
> layer that is responsible for retries and result rating) out of
> cdparanoia,
> made a portable library from it and added it to cdda2wav.
> Your problem is that cdparanoia will never read a TOC-less disk and that
> the
> dead fork from a September 2004 cddda2wav called "icedax" is full of bugs.
> The real cdda2wav has a compile option to set up a virtual TOC, but if you
> ever
> like to read a CD without a TOC, you not only need to tell cdda2wav the
> TOC by
> exiting the compiled in TOC, but you also need to kill any hostile
> software on
> your computer that tries to access CDs in an unapropriate way, such as
> "hald" or
> it's successors. Once such a program did try to access a problematic CD,
> you
> will never be able to access the CD unless you reload it - which will
> result in
> a new access attempt :-(

Ugh. I think I'll have to build a VM for this, since I don't want to break
my existing system.

> If the CD has a PMA (which I expect from writing in TAO mode), the disk
> should
> be readable by cdda2wav if you use a drive that understands the PMA.

so, if "cdrecord -minfo" tells me it was written as TAO, then there should
be a  PMA and I might then be able to read it with cdda2wav?

Thanks for the info!

> Jörg 

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