[CentOS] Firewall/Gateway Hardware Question

Wed Oct 16 05:20:43 UTC 2013
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 10/15/2013 3:05 PM, SilverTip257 wrote:
> I don't know how VIA C7 CPUs stack up against the Intel Atom CPUs in terms
> of performance, but they're low power consuming x86 processors.  And
> there's the VIA Padlock [0] security/encryption engine.

I think the Atoms pretty much beat the living daylights out of the C7 
stuff, which were based on an architecture many generations old. some of 
the core I3/i5 laptop chips are very low power, too, and nearly as 
powerful as modern 2-4 core desktop processors..    the current 
'Pentiums' are somewhere in between the Atom and the low end of the Core 

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast