[CentOS] 3rd party repositories

Fri Oct 18 23:29:45 UTC 2013
James A. Peltier <jpeltier at sfu.ca>

----- Original Message -----
| Can anyone comment on the use of 3rd party repos for newer versions
| of
| software like php, python and mysql? Two I am aware of are puias and
| ius.
| Is one preferable to the other? Can their packages be installed in
| parallel
| to and without interfering with base packages?

Whenever possible stick with base OS packages, otherwise, tread lightly for there may be demons.

Only enable repositories when you absolutely need them and only for the software that you know work.  This is in fact what we do, which makes software management with puppet slightly harder.

You should also be careful to implement yum priorities to as to avoid third party packages from overwriting base and updates.

James A. Peltier
Manager, IT Services - Research Computing Group
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpeltier at sfu.ca
Website : http://www.sfu.ca/itservices

“A successful person is one who can lay a solid foundation from the bricks others have thrown at them.” -David Brinkley via Luke Shaw