[CentOS] MySQL 5.5, PHP and other tools still use 5.0 client drivers

Mon Oct 28 20:18:12 UTC 2013
Eero Volotinen <eero.volotinen at iki.fi>

2013/10/28 Matthew B. Brookover <mbrookov at mines.edu>

> I upgraded a web server from CentOS 5.9 to 5.10.  The instructions also
> indicate that MySQL 5.0 is no longer supported so I followed the
> instructions to upgrade to 5.5.  Everything seems to be working so I
> tried to remove MySQL 5.0 and MySQL 5.1.  It seems there are still
> As I understand it, there is no longer any support for
> mysql-5.0.95-5.el5_9, but it looks like it is still in use.  Is there
> any plan to move Perl DBD, mod_auth_mysql, ODBC, SASL, Dovecot, and PHP
> from the 5.0 MySQL drivers to the 5.5 drivers?
> Is there something that I missed in the upgrade process?

Yes, you cannot remove mysql-5.0. see redhat knowledge base for more
