On Thu, Sep 5, 2013 at 2:59 AM, John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com> wrote: > On 9/4/2013 11:52 PM, Ljubomir Ljubojevic wrote: > > What should I install on my CentOS 6.x so I can access/manage ESXi > > server and manage it? Direct link or nice howto would help me immensely. > > When ever I search the net, I get how to install CentOS client (they > > mean guest) ON VMware. > > afaik, the free vServer Manager is MS Windows only. > > +1; the things I've been hearing make it sound like there are plans.movement for vmware to move to 'any generic browser' for management in the future, and there are nice perl module tools that you can install to get access to some API calls/do things like deploy VMs from the command line (http://www.vmware.com/support/pubs/sdk_pubs.html), but for general management, in my experience you still need the windows based client. of course one way around that is to build a management VM with client software and use rdesktop when you need that sort of tool. -- Even the Magic 8 ball has an opinion on email clients: Outlook not so good.