[CentOS] Apple movie trailers on Centos6/Firefox

Fri Sep 13 20:03:57 UTC 2013
Michael Lampe <lampe at gcsc.uni-frankfurt.de>

Fred Smith wrote:

> Apparently I'm the only Centos user who is unable to view the quicktime
> trailers,... or maybe nobody but me is interested.

Assuming you have the necessary codecs installed, it still doesn't work, 
because Apple checks your "QuickTime"-Version with some piece of 
Javascript. It seems to check the same info you see with 'about:plugins'.

The totem plugin says 7.21 which is too low. Make it something higher, 
like 9.99 to be set forever.


PS: There's no official way to do that. You can either patch and then 
rebuild from source -- or you just modify the binary ... (I admit to 
have done the latter.) But this is all you need. The rest is taken care 
of out of the box.