[CentOS] Run one-time startup script

Fri Sep 20 15:41:36 UTC 2013
John R Pierce <pierce at hogranch.com>

On 9/20/2013 5:31 AM, Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> I have to change IP numbers across a number of virtual and physical
> machines because of network center move. This has to be done before
> network startup, of course. I'm thinking about the best method to do this.
> Where should I include/init this script? Or would it rather make more
> sense to do this on the last shutdown?

reconfigure the servers to use dhcp and configure the hosts via 
reservations on the dhcp servers.  new location on a new subnet would 
have require reservations, reboot and voila!

DNS should be taking care of any application stuff (when the servers are 
moved, their entries are updated on the DNS servers)

john r pierce                                      37N 122W
somewhere on the middle of the left coast