[CentOS] to lvm or not to lvm - why/when to use lvm

Fri Sep 27 16:20:10 UTC 2013
James A. Peltier <jpeltier at sfu.ca>

----- Original Message -----
| Antonio da Silva Martins Junior wrote the following on 9/26/2013 3:28
| PM:
| > Well, I think this is one of the big examples of what we can do
| > with
| > LVM: http://www.greyoak.com/lvmdrive.html
| This seems like a great example of how LVM complicates the process of
| moving to a new disk. Without LVM, one can still simply use gparted
| to
| copy the data to the new drive and extend the existing partition and
| fs
| in a couple clicks. With CLI tools, that's dd/cp + parted +
| resize2fs.
| The number of commands is reduced by half or more of what was
| required
| with LVM.

So you can do this online without the users noticing huh?  Hmmm.  I can certainly do this with LVM ;)

| The benefits with LVM seem to be the snapshot functionality and the
| (limited) spanning/mirroring raid logic. If you're not taking
| advantage
| of these features then I, personally, wouldn't recommend the
| additional
| obfuscation and complication that LVM adds.
| --Blake
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James A. Peltier
Manager, IT Services - Research Computing Group
Simon Fraser University - Burnaby Campus
Phone   : 778-782-6573
Fax     : 778-782-3045
E-Mail  : jpeltier at sfu.ca
Website : http://www.sfu.ca/itservices

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