[CentOS] Help with VMware ESXi manager for CentOS - newbie level


nux at li.nux.ro
Thu Sep 5 10:38:20 UTC 2013

On 05.09.2013 11:27, Nux! wrote:
> On 05.09.2013 11:01, Joseph W. Joshua wrote:
>> Best way would be to install a windows VM in the server, then u can
>> rdesktop into it to install your CentOS VM.
> Stupid vmware vsphere is the sole reason I'm using a windows VM on my
> centos (ahem, stella) workstation.
> Luckily we just moved all our vms from esxi to xenserver 6.2, citrix
> have some migration tools that seemed to work fine, recommended.

And forgot to add that with this move I can use native tools such as 
OpenXenManager to manage XenServer. Also Citrix is in the process of 
adapting XenCenter in Mono so it can be run on Linux.

Sent from the Delta quadrant using Borg technology!


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