[CentOS] RPM Build Guidance

Wed Sep 4 04:03:02 UTC 2013
Dave Johansen <davejohansen at gmail.com>

On Tue, Sep 3, 2013 at 7:56 PM, Mark LaPierre <marklapier at aol.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hey All,
> Is there someone here on the list that has experience building RPM
> install files?  I've never done it before.  I'm looking for someone
> who is willing to do a little hand holding.
> I just built Musescore from source.  I hope to build an install RPM
> from the resulting files.

I just went through the process of learning how to package .rpms
myself, and the short version is that you need to write a "spec file"
that goes in the source rpm along with the source tarball. The spec
file is basically the list of instructions that define what's
required, how to build it, and how to package it into a rpm.

As far as getting things setup to build from a .spec file, this is the
best source that I found:

There's an overview/walk through of a spec files can be found at:

Those two sources with a little googling, inspection of existing spec
files, and a few mailing list posts got me up to speed pretty quickly.
