[CentOS] converting a RHEL box to CentOS

Tue Sep 10 18:07:39 UTC 2013
Alan McKay <alan.mckay at gmail.com>

Hey folks,

Google found nothing in this list archives for me but did find this :

Before I just go try that on one of my systems can someone confirm
that it works?

I'm running RHEL 5.7 so I guess I'd replace the 5.4 in the URL with 5.7

Basically I let my RHEL licenses run out (never really used them) and
am getting warnings now from yum.   Want to just switch over to the
CentOS repos.

Anything to be wary of doing this?


“Don't eat anything you've ever seen advertised on TV”
         - Michael Pollan, author of "In Defense of Food"