[CentOS] Final Term on CentOS

Mon Sep 16 06:40:19 UTC 2013
Fabrizio Di Carlo <dicarlo.fabrizio at gmail.com>

Hello to all,

broswing on Internet I've found this very smart Terminal Emulator and I
think that can be useful for someone of you.

The address of the project is http://finalterm.org/ .

Someone use it?


"The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful
servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has
forgotten the gift." (A. Einstein)

"La mente intuitiva è un dono sacro e la mente razionale è un fedele servo.
Noi abbiamo creato una società che onora il servo e ha dimenticato il
dono."  (A. Einstein)

Fabrizio Di Carlo