[CentOS] Run one-time startup script

Fri Sep 20 15:13:07 UTC 2013
m.roth at 5-cent.us <m.roth at 5-cent.us>

Kai Schaetzl wrote:
> I have to change IP numbers across a number of virtual and physical
> machines because of network center move. This has to be done before
> network startup, of course. I'm thinking about the best method to do this.
> Where should I include/init this script? Or would it rather make more
> sense to do this on the last shutdown?
> Changes largely involve removing old files and putting new files in place
> (resolv.conf, hosts, sysconfig/network + network-scripts, firewall,
> postfix, httpd etc.). The only other change besides replacing files would
> be changing the IP address in a webcontrol interface in a MySQL table, so
> this part has to be done after MySQL startup.
> Could be run-once or have to disable manually after successful startup.
There are several possibilities (this *is* *Nix, after all), but several
questions first: aren't you using dhcp to give them IPs? Won't the dhcp
client rewrite resolv.conf?

For the other stuff, if it needs to run once, why not have the script
looking for a lock file, and if it's not there run, ending by creating the
lock file. Then, after everything's up and wonderfully correct, you can
run a script everywhere that, if it finds the lockfile, deletes both that,
and the script?
