m.roth at 5-cent.us wrote: > CentOS 6.5, with the current trac, and trac-agilo-plugin. > > I seem to have problems, and maybe even a bug in the packaging. > > I installed and got trac running with authentication. Fine. I installed > and enabled the agilo plugin. Supposedly fine. > > Except it doesn't work. > > On the trac web pages, in the upper right, there's a text link labelled > "admin"... but when I mouse over it, what I see in firefox is the path to > the cgi/undefined. > > Undefined? > > If I search on how to activate the agilo plugin, it tells me to click on > the admin icon on the toolbar... but there isn't any such. > > Finally, on the information I found with *much* googling, it mentions that > to enable plugins, I might need to set PYTHON_EGG_CACHE. Now, the rpm > installed it under /usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/, and I see agilo, and > agilo-0.9.7-py2.6.egg-info, and agilo_lib, and there's no egg per se. > > Is there a but with the trac package, that something's missing, or am I > missing something? And what do I do with about the egg? > > mark "looks like Humpty Dumpty's got a problem" > Still googling, and found something *else* I don't understand: all the docs I find online talk about editing trac.ini, *apparently* in /path/to/proj/conf/trac.ini. But I just found that there's an /etc/trac/trac.ini. So, *now* which should be edited? mark